***** New Criterion: The Critic’s Notebook on Emma Ortiz at ATM Gallery NYC

“Emma Ortiz: Obsession,” at ATM Gallery, New York (through August 7): The dog days of summer and their stagnating heat might be tyrannizing much of New York, but oasis can be found at “Emma Ortiz: Obsession” at ATM Gallery. Semi-abstract and reliably captivating, these are generous paintings. Each composition presents the viewer with sweeping expanses of opulent color—expanses that would grow intimidating if not for the mature and subtle mark-making details to be found throughout each piece. What arises from the interplay between these details and each canvas’s field of floral and jewel-like colors is a developed narrative that rewards close attention. “Obsession” is a show of vitality and voice. See it before it closes next week. —LL